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Onboarding has moved

Agent Onboarding

Welcome to the LPT Realty Individual Agent Onboarding Portal

This form is to be used for agents that needed to onboarding to existing teams with LPT and/or solo agents that want to join LPT Realty.


We’re thrilled that you want to join LPT Realty and want to make the process easy for you.
To start the onboarding process for an agent joining your team or an individual agent joining LPT please click the link below.

Here’s what to expect

Once you completed the onboarding form it goes to our team to start the process.
We will send a message to let you know we have started so make sure check your email periodically.

Additional Information

If you are onboarding multiple agents for a team or onboarding multiple agents for multiple teams, please request a sync sheet. This will assist in expediting the process as our form currently only allows one agent at a time to be submitted.

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